The Best Way to Handle Covid Anxiety

Jessica Boston spoke to The Daily Mail about Covid Anxiety and What To Do when Others Aren’t Following The Rules

Despite repeated messages from the Government to stay home, protect the vulnerable and avoid all unnecessary travel, it is clear that not everyone is adhering to the coronavirus guidelines. If you have spent months avoiding seeing family and friends, it can be frustrating to enter a supermarket and spot someone shopping without a mask or to hear about an acquaintance bending the rules to visit other households. And knowing that some people are not getting behind the national effort can quickly cause anxiety about the spread of the virus and what the future holds. While you cannot control what others do, you can learn to influence your emotional response to rule-breakers. Here is how to keep calm and carry on.

  • Bear in mind that everyone is different

The heightened anxiety around the coronavirus pandemic has left us hyper-critical of others, but it is good to keep your head by reminding yourself that not everyone is in your shoes.

“It might sound obvious, but it’s important to remember everyone is different,” stresses therapist Jessica Boston. “They handle life challenges differently and interpret information differently, so remember that it isn’t a personal attack on you.”

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