Is it a Weapon or a Tool?

When destructive events happen, we are quick to point the finger. Who is responsible for this mess? How did this happen? Who is to blame?⁠ A poor workman blames his tool but it isn't the tool; the tool is neutral; it’s the hands and the mind that control them. A knife is a tool that can butter your bread, but in the wrong hands, it is the most dangerous of weapons.⁠

⁠It isn't simply that the hands are intentionally dangerous; they could be naive, ill-informed, overly confident and unable to truly understand and respect the history and value of the object they hold. ⁠Those who have done no work on themselves more than an illusion of self-discovery or have “worked” on others and believe this has mirrored back on themselves due to their own delusion will fall in this trap every time; your proximity to the work isn't the work. If you are too afraid to look at the deepest corners of yourself and reevaluate where your soul got lost, the shadows will chase you til you work it out. ⁠

In my ten years with this work, I’ve had proximity to situations where hypnotic techniques were used for harm, tapping into the urgency of fear and greed, pains of inadequacies and devil pacts to motivate. You'll get what you asked for and you'll pay but it won't necessarily be with what was agreed on.⁠ You can blame the tool, NLP and other misunderstood mind techniques, but these are powers every single person on the planet has access to, do a google search. ⁠

The only way to avoid situations of this kind is with information and a guarantee that those that use the tools do from a place of incorruptible values, solid integrity and a peaceful heart. ⁠ That is the work I help you with. I want you to discover your power. Power does not corrupt; power reveals. Which power will you be?

In my signature 90-day programme, HOMECOMING, we look at absolutely everything in your life contributing to your current lack of confidence and how it might have become a hindrance to the successful life you dream about. In fact, we look at absolutely every area of your life to map out what action needs to take place. We make a subconscious life plan, and using my approach, we work through all that’s getting in your way both internally and externally so that you can finally start living the confident, fun, free and fulfilled life of your dreams.

Homecoming is the real deal, read the testimonials to see for yourself and if you’re ready to get started, take the quiz to begin the process to find out how radically different your life could be in 3 months’ time. Your Homecoming is waiting.


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