Natalia B┃CEO of Natalia Botanicals

“Little did I know HOW MUCH Jessica would positively impact my life in such a short amount of time. I signed up for Homecoming and after my first session, something shifted, bearing in mind I had a physiological issue diagnosed by medical doctors. We worked on different issues weekly like feeling less stressed about my wedding to big things like lifelong phobias that I have carried around my entire life. I have worked with hypnotherapists in the past but Jessica’s style is totally different. I still listen to the recordings she created for me and they are still as effective. I cannot express how thankful I am for Jessica’s powerful work and dedication. Jessica again in the near future and she is at the top of my little black book of wellness. It is an investment I wholeheartedly recommend to everybody.”

NataLIA B┃CEO of nataLIa botanicals┃HOMECOMING


Eliza B┃Writer


Haley Smith┃Astrologist