What it Really Takes to Stop Over Apologizing

“I’m sorry!” - It’s ok, stop apologizing for everything!“You’re right… sorry”. Does this sound like you? If the scenario seems familiar to you, you’re not alone. It is very common, especially among women, to say sorry too much. However, over-apologizing all the time undermines your self-worth, and you may be standing in the way of your own success.

The habit of using “sorry” in every little thing that happens might seem harmless at first sight. But it actually plays against your authority and confidence on the long run. It can even damage your credibility and how others perceive you. Jessica Boston spoke to Metro on this article about why we say sorry so much and how to stop it. Here is an extract:

‘Jessica tells us: ‘Like anything, the more you do it, the more it becomes ingrained, so if you don’t like this part of yourself, something has to change. If you say sorry all the time, people around you perceive you as more insecure and will unconsciously treat you as such. You may be given fewer responsibilities or opportunities because you appear to lack confidence. ‘How you are in the world becomes who you are; if you act like you are a constant bother or nuisance, you will become one to others.’

If you want to make your words more meaningful and become comfortable saying no to things you don’t want, you need to work on building your self-confidence. In my signature 90-day programme, HOMECOMING, we look at absolutely everything in your life contributing to your current lack of confidence and how it might have become a hindrance to the successful life you dream about. In fact, we look at absolutely every area of your life to map out what action needs to take place. We make a subconscious life plan, and using my approach, we work through all that’s getting in your way both internally and externally so that you can finally start living the confident, fun, free and fulfilled life of your dreams.

Homecoming is the real deal, read the testimonials to see for yourself and if you’re ready to get started, take the quiz to begin the process to find out how radically different your life could be in 3 months’ time. Your Homecoming is waiting.


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